Good Health


                                 Good Health

During each 24 hours period our body needs a number of hours of total rest. During the hours sleep. The cells of the body recover

From the work of the day build up supplies of energy for the next period of activity. Regular hours of sleep at night increase our efficiency and strength to work. During rest our muscles relax, after a good sleep we feel fresh and able to work again. Teenagers should have eight to ten hours of sleep each night.

Diseases: In the early stages, it was very difficult to find out the cause of diseases. Nobody knew about the germs. With advancement of medical science, the doctors found out a device like microscope to study about these germs. There are different kinds of diseases. Some diseases like heart failure and kidney failure are accused when an organ of our body stops functioning properly.

You require small amounts of vitamins in your food. But I am important to have them. Lack of vitamins causes many diseases deficiency or lack of a particular mineral for vitamin causes deficiency diseases. These diseases are non –communicable which cannot spread from person to person. For example night blindness, beriberi, scurvy and rickets.

Lack of vitamins

Name of Diseases


Night blindness








Vitamins: Chemical substances that are found in food. Our body needs them to stay healthy

Deficiency diseases:  they are caused by lack of a particular vitamin or mineral.

Germs:  They are very small living organisms or microbes.

Lack of iodine in our food or water causes goiter or swelling of the throat glands. A deficiency of minerals causes many diseases. One of the diseases is anemia. Anemia is causes by the deficiency of blood in the body this deficiency is caused by lack of iron in the food. An anemic person has a pale and tired look.

There are certain kinds of diseases which one person can catch form another person such diseases are called communicable diseases or infectious diseases. They spread through contact, air, contaminated water and food. These diseases are caused by germs or microbes, the very small living bodies. We get these diseases when the germs of a disease attack our body’s typhoid choler, influenza measles, and chicken pox, jaundice, tetanus and malaria are some communicable disease. The germ includes bacteria, protozoa, virus and fungus, that cause diseases. There germs enter into the body through our nose or mouth or with water and food. They can also enter enough cuts in the skin. They also spread through coughing sneezing and spitting, Bacteria cause diseases like tuberculosis, typhoid, pneumonia. The protozoa cause diseases like malaria and amoebic dysentery . The virus causes diseases like the common cold, influenza, polio measles and chicken pox. These diseases may spread from one person to another in many ways.

1.    Through Direct Contact: The diseases like chicken pox, small pox, scarlet , scabies and ringworm are spread by contact, i.e., a person gets the disease from another person when he comes in contact with him may be by using the same towel, clothiers or utensils used by the sick person.

2.    Through Air:  Diseases like cold, flu cold, flu, pneumonia, tuberculosis, mumps, meals and smallpox are spread through the air dysentery and food poisoning are spread through water and food. There germs in the stool of a sick person may be carried by water or food directly or carried by hands. There flies and other insects sit on the dirt heaps and catch the germs. They leave these germs on our food and water when we eat that food or drink that water we fall sick.

3.    Through water and food:  Cholera, typhoid, jaundice, dysentery and food poisoning are spread through water and food. The germs in the stool of sick person may be carried by water or food directly or carried by hands. The flies and other insects sit on the dirt heaps and catch the germs on our food and water when we eat that food or drink that water we fall sick.

4.    By insects:  The diseases like malaria, filareasis and yellow fever are carried by mosquitoes. They bite a sick person and pass on his germs to a healthy person when they happen to bite him. Typhus fever is carried by lice which liver on sick persons, while plague is spread by fleas that live on rats.

   In addition to the above, the diseases can also spread if there is any cut or injury on the body through which bacteria can enter. The diseases can also spread through hookworm or its larvae found in the soil.


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